Lucky 7 Exotic RanchBighorn Hybrid - Armenian Mouflon, Transcaspian Urial - Afghan Urial - Red Sheep-
Corsican - Texas Dall - Black Hawiian- Mouflon- Midnight Urial- Snow urial - 4 hornARMENIAN MOUFLON

Trophy Ram Hunts Texas Style
Armenian Mouflon
For the ultimate ram hunt try for Armenian Mouflon. This is a graceful sheep with relatively long, slender legs also known as the Armenian Red Sheep and is native to Iran and Armenia. They display unreal alertness and are extremely wary and run at the slightest disturbance – even from great distances. The Armenian Mouflon’s coat pattern is reddish-tan with a narrow grayish-white saddle patch. They have a white belly extending down their legs and their muzzle is white. Their chest is dark brown and there is narrow black band markings on the front of the upper legs.
Armenian Mouflon Hunting on the Lucky 7 include driving & glassing numerous self sustaining herds. Once spotted your guide will help assess the Trophy quality of a Trophy ram. Then a plan will be well thought out to get our Sheep Hunter within range to harvest their Trophy Ram.
The Lucky 7 Ranch has produced the Number 1,2 & 3 World record book Armenian Mouflon rams for our Hunters.


Transcaspian Urial / Trophy Ram Hunts Texas
Considered by some to be the most beautiful of the world’s wild sheep. The reason for this is undoubtedly the long flowing neck bib and ruff. The Transcaspian Urial has also been called the “grandfather” of all sheep.Lucky 7 Exotic Ranch was one of the pioneer’s in introduction of this grand sheep into Texas. The foresight in conservation by Texas ranches has produced a thriving herd of Transcaspian Ram Hunts Texas style.
Transcaspian Urial Trophy Ram Hunts begin on the Lucky 7 Exotic Ranch consisting of glassing large areas of self sustaining herds.. Evaluating Trophy Rams. Plan a stalk on these truly wild rams. Then when spotted…the sixth sense of a ram kicks in and…..Repeat….another stalk begins. In other words Come prepared to Hunt.

Texas Trophy Ram Hunts
Call Ranch 254-289-5503
Bighorn hybrid rams
Argail, Desert Bighorn, Transcapian, Mouflon hybrid

The Ultimate Trophy Ram Hunt
Phantom Sheep “Desert Bighorn Argali”
The Lucky 7 is proud to announce we have introduced the Phantom Sheep to our ranch. A herd of over 200 . The Phantom Ram is a composite sheep representing 40 years of animal health, research, and selection and includes all the wild sheep genome of the world. This sheep is ¼ Desert Bighorn, ¼ Kara-Tau Argali, ¼ European Mouflon and ¼ Transcaspian Urial.
For some of the best Trophy Sheep Hunts Texas check out these Rams they carry the traits of Desert Bighorn & Argali. They have heavy bodies, great horn mass and great horn length.


Red Sheep Hunting Texas consist of Hunts beginning at Daylight, scouting areas known to hold Trophy Rams. Bring your Binoculars, your patients and your accurate choice of weapon. We estimate to have a herd of over 200 self sustaining Red Sheep roaming our 3,000 acre ranch
Our Red Sheep Hunters hold 5 of the Top 10 Record Book Entries
Shoulder height 20-32 inches. Weight averages 110 pounds, sometimes as much as 150 pounds. The red sheep is believed to be a hybrid between the Armenian mouflon and the Transcaspian urial. As a hybrid, its characteristics will vary. Saddle patch and bib may be present or not, and neck ruff and horn configuration are variable. General color is light brown or tan, with individuals varying from very light grayish-brown to light reddish-brown. Under parts are white.


Afghan Urial Hunting Texas consist of Hunts beginning at Daylight, scouting areas known to hold Trophy Rams. Bring your Binoculars, your patients and your accurate choice of weapon. Our ranch supports a solid herd of self sustaining Afghan Urials roaming our 3,000 acre ranch
Our ranch produced the World Record Afghan Urial

Trophy Corsican, Texas Dall, Hawaiian Black & Mouflon